Other info
Organizer of the XXI Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas' Disease, 1991, Caxambu, MG along with Dr. Ises Abrahamsohn.
Head of the Parasitology Division from Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP between 1995 and 1997.
Coordinator of the Bio Rad 1024-UV confocal microscope at EPM-UNIFESP 1996 to 2011.
Elected Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology - SBPz 2006 to 2008.
Chair of the Graduate Studies Programme in Microbiology and Immunology, EPM-UNIFESP, 2007 to 2013.
Elected member of the board of councilors of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology - SBPz, 2008 to 2012.
In charge of the Multi-User FAPESP project 09/53833 for the acquistion of a Leica SP5 TS confocal Microscope to EPM - UNIFESP.